This is an aming bunk bed sturdy and durable. It would have been easier to assemble if I didnt have the boys running around when assembly. The instructions were really easy to read and then when it got put together it was just very comforting to know that I dont have to worry about whoever sleeps on the top bunk falling through the bottom. It leaves more space in the room having a bunk bed then two separate twin beds. It was easy.
Durable and worth the money
This is an aming bunk bed sturdy and durable. It would have been easier to assemble if I didnt have the boys running around when assembly. The instructions were really easy to read and then when it got put together it was just very comforting to know that I dont have to worry about whoever sleeps on the top bunk falling through the bottom. It leaves more space in the room having a bunk bed then two separate twin beds. It was easy.