This couldn’t be any easier to assemble, there’s a pocket underneath for the legs and you screw them in. It’s not a “sink into” type love seat but it’s not uncomfortable by any means, I’m sure over time it’ll break in. It’s the perfect size and aesthetic for what we were going for. My only complaint is my cat loves to scratch it and we had to get some scratch guards and ended up getting a citrus linen spray to keep her off the arms/back and shredding it from the top. So if you have a kitty with claws just be warned about that, otherwise I absolutely love the loveseat.
In love with this love seat
This couldn’t be any easier to assemble, there’s a pocket underneath for the legs and you screw them in. It’s not a “sink into” type love seat but it’s not uncomfortable by any means, I’m sure over time it’ll break in. It’s the perfect size and aesthetic for what we were going for. My only complaint is my cat loves to scratch it and we had to get some scratch guards and ended up getting a citrus linen spray to keep her off the arms/back and shredding it from the top. So if you have a kitty with claws just be warned about that, otherwise I absolutely love the loveseat.