I ordered the Split King and received it sooner than the estimated arrival date. Put the bed together and it was soooo easy to assemble. Came with everything, including the allen wrench (hex key).
The frames are very sturdy and the motors are sooooo quiet. I got the 10 mattresses and they are extremely comfortable.
The remotes are easy to sync, so you can lift and lower both sides at the same time or you can leave and use each remote for each bed separately.
The only little thing is the remote lay out. The head up and head down buttons are on the left and the foot up and foot down buttons are on the right. I tend to look at something left to right not up and down. But really, its just my preference. The remotes come with 3AAA batteries as well.
I highly recommend this bed! You wont go wrong.
I ordered the Split King and received it sooner than the estimated arrival date. Put the bed together and it was soooo easy to assemble. Came with everything, including the allen wrench (hex key). The frames are very sturdy and the motors are sooooo quiet. I got the 10 mattresses and they are extremely comfortable. The remotes are easy to sync, so you can lift and lower both sides at the same time or you can leave and use each remote for each bed separately. The only little thing is the remote lay out. The head up and head down buttons are on the left and the foot up and foot down buttons are on the right. I tend to look at something left to right not up and down. But really, its just my preference. The remotes come with 3AAA batteries as well. I highly recommend this bed! You wont go wrong.