Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Beautiful couch, but I think it will break down quickly. The seat cushion is about 70 % firmer than the back cushions, so thats odd. When anyone sits on this couch, they feel they need more back support. So either you need to add lots of decorative and supportive throw pillows, or stuff the back cushions with more fill. This couch will only support three average size women.
Beautiful, but not supportive, and not sturdy.
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Beautiful couch, but I think it will break down quickly. The seat cushion is about 70 % firmer than the back cushions, so thats odd. When anyone sits on this couch, they feel they need more back support. So either you need to add lots of decorative and supportive throw pillows, or stuff the back cushions with more fill. This couch will only support three average size women.