I waited a month for this bench to arrive, as FedEx originally took it to GA, then it was sent back to its origination destination in CA before being shipped back out to my state on the east coast. It was just what I wanted to use as a banquette. We thought the Instructions were easy to understand, and it was surprisingly sturdy once assembled. It is very firm, and to give you an idea of the firmness of the seat, I do not sink down much when I sit on it. However, it is comfortable enough to sit on for long periods of time and there is enough room for two small or medium adults. The seat height is an inch lower than the dining chairs, but the difference is insignificant. I ordered the dark gray and the fabric is like a velveteen, which sometimes looks lighter or darker, depending on the lighting. I am purchasing rubber pads for the feet, so it doesnt slide on the wood floor. I have never purchased furniture like this online before, and i am impressed with the quality and value.
Good quality bench
I waited a month for this bench to arrive, as FedEx originally took it to GA, then it was sent back to its origination destination in CA before being shipped back out to my state on the east coast. It was just what I wanted to use as a banquette. We thought the Instructions were easy to understand, and it was surprisingly sturdy once assembled. It is very firm, and to give you an idea of the firmness of the seat, I do not sink down much when I sit on it. However, it is comfortable enough to sit on for long periods of time and there is enough room for two small or medium adults. The seat height is an inch lower than the dining chairs, but the difference is insignificant. I ordered the dark gray and the fabric is like a velveteen, which sometimes looks lighter or darker, depending on the lighting. I am purchasing rubber pads for the feet, so it doesnt slide on the wood floor. I have never purchased furniture like this online before, and i am impressed with the quality and value.