The table was pretty straightforward to assemble, but required two people for some parts. One person could built it, but would probably take a while. The quality is nice for the price. It came clean without any scratches or damages. The only issue is that the the levelers that go at the bottom of the legs are slightly wobbly. It would be better to get separate pads for legs to avoid scratching on the floor, as the table construction itself is very stable. The table is very lightweight, but still can take a decent amount of loading. It can comfortably sit 4 people.
Nice table for the price
The table was pretty straightforward to assemble, but required two people for some parts. One person could built it, but would probably take a while. The quality is nice for the price. It came clean without any scratches or damages. The only issue is that the the levelers that go at the bottom of the legs are slightly wobbly. It would be better to get separate pads for legs to avoid scratching on the floor, as the table construction itself is very stable. The table is very lightweight, but still can take a decent amount of loading. It can comfortably sit 4 people.