My son loves it! I am super impressed. Once I figured out the instructions (I didnt realize there were multiple pieces marked 1 and so on), the assembly took less than an hour and a half. I assembled solo, and it went incredibly smooth. I cant believe how solid this is for the price. I was worried it would be saggy or squeak. Nope. Solid as a damn rock. I had zero issues with screws not fitting into pre/drilled holes properly as Ive had in the past with other products. Im super impressed with this daybed and trundle.
Sturdy as all get out.
My son loves it! I am super impressed. Once I figured out the instructions (I didnt realize there were multiple pieces marked 1 and so on), the assembly took less than an hour and a half. I assembled solo, and it went incredibly smooth. I cant believe how solid this is for the price. I was worried it would be saggy or squeak. Nope. Solid as a damn rock. I had zero issues with screws not fitting into pre/drilled holes properly as Ive had in the past with other products. Im super impressed with this daybed and trundle.