but it was easy to assemble (just screw in the legs) and it
I bought this to fit a very narrow entryway wall. The color is darker than pictured, but it was easy to assemble (just screw in the legs) and it took me less than 5 minutes. It seems sturdy and looks nice. The only reason Im not giving 5 stars is because it arrived with a small nick in one of the legs, which if you turn it around to the back, is not really noticeable. All in all great value for the price. Easy to fix.
but it was easy to assemble (just screw in the legs) and it
I bought this to fit a very narrow entryway wall. The color is darker than pictured, but it was easy to assemble (just screw in the legs) and it took me less than 5 minutes. It seems sturdy and looks nice. The only reason Im not giving 5 stars is because it arrived with a small nick in one of the legs, which if you turn it around to the back, is not really noticeable. All in all great value for the price. Easy to fix.