I purchased this set for my grandsons age 7 and 8. I wanted something sturdy. The set arrived very quickly which was great. My son in law and myself put it together in about 1 1/2 hours taking our time. It did look small, but keep in mind the description of overall length of 104 inches is after assembly, not the main beam length. The beam was 87 1/2. But it is more than adequate. The top caps did not fit over the swing bolts through the beam for their length. No big deal as its not accessable. My main concern was the sturdiness of the set, and I feel confident in it. The response from the company to my questions was very quick, which today is impressive. If you want a good set for a fair price, its a good buy.
I purchased this set for my grandsons age 7 and 8. I wanted something sturdy. The set arrived very quickly which was great. My son in law and myself put it together in about 1 1/2 hours taking our time. It did look small, but keep in mind the description of overall length of 104 inches is after assembly, not the main beam length. The beam was 87 1/2. But it is more than adequate. The top caps did not fit over the swing bolts through the beam for their length. No big deal as its not accessable. My main concern was the sturdiness of the set, and I feel confident in it. The response from the company to my questions was very quick, which today is impressive. If you want a good set for a fair price, its a good buy.