Looks nice and sturdy. Ive been sleeping on this every night for several months now, and Im happy I bought it. It does take 2 people to assemble, and although it can be done by hand if you use a drill youll get it done in half the time. It took us under 2 hours to unbox and totally assemble. It looks really nice, I e gotten many compliments. I purchased a 12 inch mattress for it. Overall, Im very happy with it!!
No complaints!! Looks so nice!!
Looks nice and sturdy. Ive been sleeping on this every night for several months now, and Im happy I bought it. It does take 2 people to assemble, and although it can be done by hand if you use a drill youll get it done in half the time. It took us under 2 hours to unbox and totally assemble. It looks really nice, I e gotten many compliments. I purchased a 12 inch mattress for it. Overall, Im very happy with it!!