This bed took a good amount of time to assemble but wasnt too difficult. The worst part of assembly is putting the supporting slats in for the mattresses. Its was really tedious at the end. The plastic pieces used to add sturdiness were difficult for me to put on and I pinched myself a lot while trying to get them all on. The bed is very sturdy and holds up to my two active boys jumping all over it. We really like this bed and think its a great value. Definitely worth it.
Great bunk bed with tedious assembly
This bed took a good amount of time to assemble but wasnt too difficult. The worst part of assembly is putting the supporting slats in for the mattresses. Its was really tedious at the end. The plastic pieces used to add sturdiness were difficult for me to put on and I pinched myself a lot while trying to get them all on. The bed is very sturdy and holds up to my two active boys jumping all over it. We really like this bed and think its a great value. Definitely worth it.