We got this for my young son. He absolutely loves it. It took a good while to assemble, but it feels so sturdy that it was worth it. Its high enough that my son can easily play underneath or we can store a lot of things, but not so high that I worry about my son falling off or being unable to climb down while half asleep (which hes done every night for a couple months without issue). My husband (63 and 240 lbs) can easily fit up there with our son, though it is a little bit tight for him to climb down. Overall, Id definitely recommend this bed.
Love it
We got this for my young son. He absolutely loves it. It took a good while to assemble, but it feels so sturdy that it was worth it. Its high enough that my son can easily play underneath or we can store a lot of things, but not so high that I worry about my son falling off or being unable to climb down while half asleep (which hes done every night for a couple months without issue). My husband (63 and 240 lbs) can easily fit up there with our son, though it is a little bit tight for him to climb down. Overall, Id definitely recommend this bed.