I wanted to wait awhile after purchasing to write about this product. This is definitely worth the buy. It is just as advertised. Box arrived with no damage and everything was brand new. If you can, pay the extra money and add room delivery because the box is heavy. The two delivery people could barely lift it themselves.
Assembly was very easy. I did it by myself and it took roughly a little less than an hour. The most time consuming part was actually tightening the screws because of the placement and angles of where they were. Once put together the bed frame is very sturdy and looks like its worth more than it actually was. All in all, its worth the money. Easy setup and sturdy!
Fantastic Product
I wanted to wait awhile after purchasing to write about this product. This is definitely worth the buy. It is just as advertised. Box arrived with no damage and everything was brand new. If you can, pay the extra money and add room delivery because the box is heavy. The two delivery people could barely lift it themselves. Assembly was very easy. I did it by myself and it took roughly a little less than an hour. The most time consuming part was actually tightening the screws because of the placement and angles of where they were. Once put together the bed frame is very sturdy and looks like its worth more than it actually was. All in all, its worth the money. Easy setup and sturdy!