I am not an expert in bed assembly, but I have put together a fair amount of beds in my life. And the assembly of this bed held many surprises. First the storage of all pieces inside a hidden compartment in the headboard was a surprise. At first I was wary of the secret hiding place we were putting in our teenagers room but I guess we know about it, so its not so secret. The instructions were easy to follow and the bed is very sturdy feeling. It took about 20 minutes to build by myself. Very happy with the look. Love it
Beautiful Bed / Building was full surprises
I am not an expert in bed assembly, but I have put together a fair amount of beds in my life. And the assembly of this bed held many surprises. First the storage of all pieces inside a hidden compartment in the headboard was a surprise. At first I was wary of the secret hiding place we were putting in our teenagers room but I guess we know about it, so its not so secret. The instructions were easy to follow and the bed is very sturdy feeling. It took about 20 minutes to build by myself. Very happy with the look. Love it