I rarely write reviews but this product surprised me. Quality is great for the money.
It was easy to assemble / the packaging was really cool / everything was placed neatly within the headboard itself and when completed its sturdy. I bought the full size for a guest bedroom that I already had a memory foam mattress for / it does. nit come with a mattress. Anyway, the manufacturer has their act together / great product. It is ok for the use.
High Quality / great value
I rarely write reviews but this product surprised me. Quality is great for the money. It was easy to assemble / the packaging was really cool / everything was placed neatly within the headboard itself and when completed its sturdy. I bought the full size for a guest bedroom that I already had a memory foam mattress for / it does. nit come with a mattress. Anyway, the manufacturer has their act together / great product. It is ok for the use.