This took a minute to build, and I mean, it took a while. This bed took me at least two hours to put together; however, I was using a screwdriver, I am small, and I had to build it by myself. At some points, the instructions were just mildly confusing. It arrived here two weeks sooner than it said it would, and it was in perfect condition.
Some pieces do not line up perfectly, and there are small gaps, but they are easy to hide if you have a flat sheet or a comforter. The cubes can hold so much stuff, and it matches perfectly with my shelves that are also cubes. Although my mattress slides on top of it to one side over time because my cat runs and jumps onto it, it is easy to scoot back into place with a slight nudge. It is incredibly sturdy, has a lot of storage, and my cat really likes it too.
Beware, my cat did figure out how to pull the cubes out of the shelves, and she takes naps inside them, so if you have cats, they will figure that out within a matter of hours.
Also, the gold and white cube (the middle cubes) in the picture, I bought from Wal-Mart.
I love this bed
This took a minute to build, and I mean, it took a while. This bed took me at least two hours to put together; however, I was using a screwdriver, I am small, and I had to build it by myself. At some points, the instructions were just mildly confusing. It arrived here two weeks sooner than it said it would, and it was in perfect condition. Some pieces do not line up perfectly, and there are small gaps, but they are easy to hide if you have a flat sheet or a comforter. The cubes can hold so much stuff, and it matches perfectly with my shelves that are also cubes. Although my mattress slides on top of it to one side over time because my cat runs and jumps onto it, it is easy to scoot back into place with a slight nudge. It is incredibly sturdy, has a lot of storage, and my cat really likes it too. Beware, my cat did figure out how to pull the cubes out of the shelves, and she takes naps inside them, so if you have cats, they will figure that out within a matter of hours. Also, the gold and white cube (the middle cubes) in the picture, I bought from Wal-Mart.