The bed does allow for good storage and it is sturdy. It was frustrating to put together since the boards were not labeled as well as they could be. We also had missing screws and had to go to a hardware store to get the extra pieces we needed to complete the project. The instructions say 90 minutes to assemble, but it took us 3 hours. When purchasing this item please allow plenty of time for the assembly and be prepared to pay attention to detail and the poorly labeled boards.
Requires patience and time to assemble
The bed does allow for good storage and it is sturdy. It was frustrating to put together since the boards were not labeled as well as they could be. We also had missing screws and had to go to a hardware store to get the extra pieces we needed to complete the project. The instructions say 90 minutes to assemble, but it took us 3 hours. When purchasing this item please allow plenty of time for the assembly and be prepared to pay attention to detail and the poorly labeled boards.