Nice to know that you can still get your moneys worth!!!
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. We have a 2, 4, and a 6 year old and they all love this bed!!! We bought both the boy bed and the girl version as well. They are very sturdy and so are the slides. Its not too tall for the little ones and its just the right size for the older ones!!! They were easy enough to put together and we love them!!!!!!
Nice to know that you can still get your moneys worth!!!
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. We have a 2, 4, and a 6 year old and they all love this bed!!! We bought both the boy bed and the girl version as well. They are very sturdy and so are the slides. Its not too tall for the little ones and its just the right size for the older ones!!! They were easy enough to put together and we love them!!!!!!