I was apprehensive about ordering furniture on line. I am so pleased with the two chairs I ordered. They are perfect for my sun room and the gray color goes perfect with the tile flooring, The delivery actually came two days early which was a nice surprise. Both chairs were packed with great care and were covered and protected with a huge plastic bag which helped greatly when removing them from the boxes. No assembly required! Just unpack and put in place. I am so very happy I ordered these chairs! Great buy!! Would recommend and buy again
Super nice!
I was apprehensive about ordering furniture on line. I am so pleased with the two chairs I ordered. They are perfect for my sun room and the gray color goes perfect with the tile flooring, The delivery actually came two days early which was a nice surprise. Both chairs were packed with great care and were covered and protected with a huge plastic bag which helped greatly when removing them from the boxes. No assembly required! Just unpack and put in place. I am so very happy I ordered these chairs! Great buy!! Would recommend and buy again