I bought it because I wanted to own a blue couch! Its as described, you do need two people to assemble, especially the arms. One arm did arrive defective and I had to call customer service for a replacement. So I did go a week with an arm missing. Definitely not suitable for toddlers/ young kids. I bought this couch about two months ago and I regret not putting some sort of protective over it. It also is starting to feel wobbly and that its going to snap in half if somebody continues to sit in the middle.
Love the color!
I bought it because I wanted to own a blue couch! Its as described, you do need two people to assemble, especially the arms. One arm did arrive defective and I had to call customer service for a replacement. So I did go a week with an arm missing. Definitely not suitable for toddlers/ young kids. I bought this couch about two months ago and I regret not putting some sort of protective over it. It also is starting to feel wobbly and that its going to snap in half if somebody continues to sit in the middle.