I am happy with my purchase. The color is actually better than I expected and it fits nicely in my small living space. I love the look/style of this futon too. The assembly directions were very clear, but I had some difficulty putting some of the pieces together. It was more difficult than I feel it should have been when trying to line up the hardware with the designated holes. The couch is somewhat firm and not cozy feeling, but I also didnt pay a lot for it. I wasnt expecting luxury when I didnt pay luxury prices. It will serve the purpose it was purchased for!
Good purchase for the price
I am happy with my purchase. The color is actually better than I expected and it fits nicely in my small living space. I love the look/style of this futon too. The assembly directions were very clear, but I had some difficulty putting some of the pieces together. It was more difficult than I feel it should have been when trying to line up the hardware with the designated holes. The couch is somewhat firm and not cozy feeling, but I also didnt pay a lot for it. I wasnt expecting luxury when I didnt pay luxury prices. It will serve the purpose it was purchased for!