It is great and sturdy, and was incredibly easy to put together. I would have put 5 stars if one of the sides of the couch was defective and came unfinished without one of the drilled holes to put the metal beams through. I had to buy a drill and install a nut/bolt thing in it to put and it took me a few hours including getting the supplies! Other than that, I love it. The missing hole almost made it almost impossible to assemble properly. But I totally recommend if you get one without a defect.
I love it, Everyone Compliments it!
It is great and sturdy, and was incredibly easy to put together. I would have put 5 stars if one of the sides of the couch was defective and came unfinished without one of the drilled holes to put the metal beams through. I had to buy a drill and install a nut/bolt thing in it to put and it took me a few hours including getting the supplies! Other than that, I love it. The missing hole almost made it almost impossible to assemble properly. But I totally recommend if you get one without a defect.