The chairs came well packaged, and all parts were ready for assembly. You will have a much better result if you actually follow the instructions for assembly, as it describes to install the legs in a particular order. This will help with overall product stability. The seats themselves have a very thick cushion and are extremely comfortable and adds to the overall look and sturdiness. These barstools look high end and far more expensive than they cost. Additionally, they are the perfect bar stool height, as I wanted to replace the too/short counter height chairs. Good buy!
Worth the money spent
The chairs came well packaged, and all parts were ready for assembly. You will have a much better result if you actually follow the instructions for assembly, as it describes to install the legs in a particular order. This will help with overall product stability. The seats themselves have a very thick cushion and are extremely comfortable and adds to the overall look and sturdiness. These barstools look high end and far more expensive than they cost. Additionally, they are the perfect bar stool height, as I wanted to replace the too/short counter height chairs. Good buy!