Overall happy with the purchase. Its a basic and nice looking couch. Its bigger than it looks and has 3 settings for the back rest. Its not super comfortable but its also not horrible. Grab some pillows or blankets and you can sit for hours no problem. If youre a big person this might not be super comfortable as the cushions are not that thick. If youre a tall person the back rest might be too short for you. My couch arrived in one day with no issues. The fabric smells weird, but a spray of febreeze fixed it.
Its ok for the price, better than other options.
Overall happy with the purchase. Its a basic and nice looking couch. Its bigger than it looks and has 3 settings for the back rest. Its not super comfortable but its also not horrible. Grab some pillows or blankets and you can sit for hours no problem. If youre a big person this might not be super comfortable as the cushions are not that thick. If youre a tall person the back rest might be too short for you. My couch arrived in one day with no issues. The fabric smells weird, but a spray of febreeze fixed it.