We just received this item today. So far, its perfect. It is on the smaller side, not overstuffed, so
I took that into account when I was purchasing, and it fit just as I hoped. The cushions are a bit firm, which doesnt bother me, but if you are expecting something super plush/cushiony this is not for you. It arrived quickly and was easy to assemble, the instructions were very straight forward. My 8 year old daughter and I assembled it, so not a difficult task!! It took about an hour. It arrives in one box, the pieces are zippered into the bottom of the futon, and the arms in already on the appropriate side, you just need to assemble! The color is perfect, exactly as depicted in the picture. This is my husband and myselfs first ever new furniture purchase, and it did not disappoint. The price is good for the product. 10/10 Id purchase again!
As described, Worth the price!
We just received this item today. So far, its perfect. It is on the smaller side, not overstuffed, so I took that into account when I was purchasing, and it fit just as I hoped. The cushions are a bit firm, which doesnt bother me, but if you are expecting something super plush/cushiony this is not for you. It arrived quickly and was easy to assemble, the instructions were very straight forward. My 8 year old daughter and I assembled it, so not a difficult task!! It took about an hour. It arrives in one box, the pieces are zippered into the bottom of the futon, and the arms in already on the appropriate side, you just need to assemble! The color is perfect, exactly as depicted in the picture. This is my husband and myselfs first ever new furniture purchase, and it did not disappoint. The price is good for the product. 10/10 Id purchase again!