This futon was perfect for the pace. We bought it to add to our extra room that that the grandchildren use when they stay over. It was easy to assemble and took less than an hour to get up. The grandchildren love it and state it is comfortable. My 31 year old son ahs started using the room more and watching his pro games on the television in the room. He says the futon adds a comfort to the room and makes it inviting. I would purchase again.
Worth the cost
This futon was perfect for the pace. We bought it to add to our extra room that that the grandchildren use when they stay over. It was easy to assemble and took less than an hour to get up. The grandchildren love it and state it is comfortable. My 31 year old son ahs started using the room more and watching his pro games on the television in the room. He says the futon adds a comfort to the room and makes it inviting. I would purchase again.