Missing some major key pieces. Items arrived in damaged packaging and presumably caused some pieces to be damaged. Before realizing that it was missing parts to the table I had assembled a stool just to see how fast it would take to put together. I was very disappointed with the outcome and how uncomfortable it was to sit one for even 5 min. So even if it had all the pieces and not scratched or peeling it could have been worth it if it was at least comfortable and sturdy. It is far from that.
not worth the headache or hassle
Missing some major key pieces. Items arrived in damaged packaging and presumably caused some pieces to be damaged. Before realizing that it was missing parts to the table I had assembled a stool just to see how fast it would take to put together. I was very disappointed with the outcome and how uncomfortable it was to sit one for even 5 min. So even if it had all the pieces and not scratched or peeling it could have been worth it if it was at least comfortable and sturdy. It is far from that.