I have bought this chair for all 3 of my grandsons. I bought the first 2 when the older ones were 1 year olds and they still use them at ages 4 and 6. So I bought this one for my 20 month old grandson. It arrived in 2 days on a Sunday far ahead of promised. He immediately loved it and sets it up by folding and unfolding it himself. I even sit on it with them to read or watch TV or snack. Best toddler/child chair ever! Highly recommend! This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
The perfect chair
I have bought this chair for all 3 of my grandsons. I bought the first 2 when the older ones were 1 year olds and they still use them at ages 4 and 6. So I bought this one for my 20 month old grandson. It arrived in 2 days on a Sunday far ahead of promised. He immediately loved it and sets it up by folding and unfolding it himself. I even sit on it with them to read or watch TV or snack. Best toddler/child chair ever! Highly recommend! This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.