This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. It came assembled which is a good thing. It seems solid and well constructed. It was packaged really well as there was no shipping damage. I love the fact that the delivery service took a picture of where they placed the package as it was placed at a distant neighbors gate a mile + down the road instead of at my address. I at least was able to recognize the location. Lol
This end table is nice.
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. It came assembled which is a good thing. It seems solid and well constructed. It was packaged really well as there was no shipping damage. I love the fact that the delivery service took a picture of where they placed the package as it was placed at a distant neighbors gate a mile + down the road instead of at my address. I at least was able to recognize the location. Lol