I was able to assemble it without any problems, the instructions are easy to understand and all the parts and screws are clearly marked and separately wrapped. The is very good looking, has a lot of space and doesnt take much space in my bedroom, and is so light! I highly recommend it.
Easy to assemble. Description on point. Overall its a great buy, and i managed to store a lot in this product. Its described as a but im using it as storage.
So its missing holes, the front holes for the shelves arent lined up with the back so its at an angle. Its completely missing the outside hole for one of the bottom T bars so I cant secure it to the base. Hopefully I can get it replaced and get it shipped soon enough to have it for what I need it for
Out of all the furniture that Ive purchased online and had to put together, this may have been the easiest one. Instructions were very clear and assembly was pretty easy and quick.
This was easy to put together and looks aming. Ive been putting off on getting a for a long time because of the cost and getting it down a flight of stairs. This was the perfect solution and it looks so nice.
its loaded to the gills but its still feels like it has a lot of room
Little Gem
It was perfect for my sons college bedroom!
Not very big
Looked so much bigger online. Considering how much I paid I expected a bigger . Its ok just wish it was worth the price for the small size it is.
I am in love with my new !
I was able to assemble it without any problems, the instructions are easy to understand and all the parts and screws are clearly marked and separately wrapped. The is very good looking, has a lot of space and doesnt take much space in my bedroom, and is so light! I highly recommend it.
Worth the buy!
Easy to assemble. Description on point. Overall its a great buy, and i managed to store a lot in this product. Its described as a but im using it as storage.
So its missing holes, the front holes for the shelves arent lined up with the back so its at an angle. Its completely missing the outside hole for one of the bottom T bars so I cant secure it to the base. Hopefully I can get it replaced and get it shipped soon enough to have it for what I need it for
Was able to get this assembled by myself in around 30 minutes
Out of all the furniture that Ive purchased online and had to put together, this may have been the easiest one. Instructions were very clear and assembly was pretty easy and quick.
Perfect for my son
This was easy to put together and looks aming. Ive been putting off on getting a for a long time because of the cost and getting it down a flight of stairs. This was the perfect solution and it looks so nice.
Smaller than what I imagined however it does come fully installed.
Nice furniture however it is alot smaller than I thought. Does come fully assembled.
Perfect!!! Great fit Great purchase!!!
Perfect! Just very happy/ its very sturdyeasy to put together ~ very very happy with this great value for the money for sure! Recommend 100
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