There are a lot of parts and it does take some time to assemble. If you have never assembled anything like this be sure you can follow directions and allow yourself time to do a project. In the long run it is worth it. It is beautiful.
If you are on the fence about this table, go for it! It was so easy to put together by myself. And the color is a perfect jewel tone turquoise. Very sturdy and well worth the money!
When we first got this in the mail, the box was HEAVY so I knew this was going to be a good quality product. The box came damaged and some pieces had some minor nicks in them, but nothing that deterred the overall quality.
This piece is incredibly sturdy and aming quality. It did take about 1.5/2 hours to put together, but was easy assembly, it mostly just had a lot of parts/pieces that needed assembly. I had no issues with holes mismatching or anything.
Overall a great product and I highly recommend as far as buying more furniture from !
Easy to assemble and very pleased with the look. Was a little concerned that the finish may be easily damaged so covered the top for protection. As a point of reference, the TV above it is 55.
Beside the scratches I forgot to mention that some of the numbers that are supposed to be on the boards were missing, so we had to figure out the assembly. Some of the screws did not work either, poor quality.
The 3 drawers are 1/2 the size of the cabinet so when the drawers are closed, there is a large gap (about 5/6 inches) from the back of the drawers to the back of the cabinet. They either sent me the wrong drawers or this is a major designer flaw!
This is a very pretty, sturdy piece. It took awhile to put togethernot difficult, but just need to be aware of each piece and where it belongs. If I was putting it together again, it would be much quicker!
I am very happy with this purchase!
Love it! Beautiful and sturdy! Many pieces and very heavy package upon arrival. Plenty of room for storage and beautiful glass to display items.
this is beautiful when assembled
There are a lot of parts and it does take some time to assemble. If you have never assembled anything like this be sure you can follow directions and allow yourself time to do a project. In the long run it is worth it. It is beautiful.
Exactly as pictured!
If you are on the fence about this table, go for it! It was so easy to put together by myself. And the color is a perfect jewel tone turquoise. Very sturdy and well worth the money!
Great Quality Piece!
When we first got this in the mail, the box was HEAVY so I knew this was going to be a good quality product. The box came damaged and some pieces had some minor nicks in them, but nothing that deterred the overall quality. This piece is incredibly sturdy and aming quality. It did take about 1.5/2 hours to put together, but was easy assembly, it mostly just had a lot of parts/pieces that needed assembly. I had no issues with holes mismatching or anything. Overall a great product and I highly recommend as far as buying more furniture from !
Exactly what I was looking for!
Easy to assemble and very pleased with the look. Was a little concerned that the finish may be easily damaged so covered the top for protection. As a point of reference, the TV above it is 55.
Frustrating that we wait for something we are excited to receive and it comes with damages
Beside the scratches I forgot to mention that some of the numbers that are supposed to be on the boards were missing, so we had to figure out the assembly. Some of the screws did not work either, poor quality.
One Of My Best Purchases
This beast took me about 3 hours to assemble, but it was worth it. Its a solid piece of furniture and does not look cheap!
Great piece!
Assembling this took less than an hour, by myself. I absolutely love it, and have received many compliments already. So glad I ordered it!
Major Designer Flaw!!!
The 3 drawers are 1/2 the size of the cabinet so when the drawers are closed, there is a large gap (about 5/6 inches) from the back of the drawers to the back of the cabinet. They either sent me the wrong drawers or this is a major designer flaw!
Beautiful piece in my Foyer
This is a very pretty, sturdy piece. It took awhile to put togethernot difficult, but just need to be aware of each piece and where it belongs. If I was putting it together again, it would be much quicker! I am very happy with this purchase!
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