Product is what as described. A little hickup with assembly, due to a couple parts damaged during shipping, but was able to fix it and complete assembly. Very sturdy and love the bunk bed!!
Some of the pieces arrived bent and wouldnt fit together. My dad was able to bend them to make them fit. All in all good bunk bed once we got past the bent pieces.
It was easy to build, we only used 2 people and it took about an hour. It is a little shaky but not a lot, I have someone almost 190 pounds on the top bunk and they seem fine they really like it. I'd recommend it, it's good, sturdy and easy to build. (We are still wanting for our bottom mattress)
Great Bed
My son loves his new bed. He said now he can have sleep overs. I'm so happy that he love his bed. It came faster that my living room furniture.
Great value
Great value for the money. Nice product and love the full bed on the bottom and space below for storage.
Quality and sturdy product
Product is what as described. A little hickup with assembly, due to a couple parts damaged during shipping, but was able to fix it and complete assembly. Very sturdy and love the bunk bed!!
Awesome bunk bed
Really nice
Really easy to put together and very sturdy.
Must buy!
Awesome bunk bed for a great price!!
Material of bed
The metal bars and bed once put together is not very sturdy but it is solid when all bolts are tightened. The bed wiggles
Not bad for the price.
Some of the pieces arrived bent and wouldnt fit together. My dad was able to bend them to make them fit. All in all good bunk bed once we got past the bent pieces.
Great value
Fits perfectly and looks nice
Good bed
It was easy to build, we only used 2 people and it took about an hour. It is a little shaky but not a lot, I have someone almost 190 pounds on the top bunk and they seem fine they really like it. I'd recommend it, it's good, sturdy and easy to build. (We are still wanting for our bottom mattress)
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