This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. Incredible value. If it were 2 inches higher in back for support, it would be perfect. Our chairs get used every day.
Simple and easy to put together. I am 54, and like be these chairs. For me they are super comfortable and just the right size. They feel very sturdy and like chairs that cost a whole lot more than these did. I like that the slip cover has Velcro place in the inside to hold it in place, and so does the seat cushion. My 6ft + husband and son arent fond of these chairs and say their back hurts if the sit in them too long.
Space saver. This chair is perfect if you need a in a small space. I like the linen type and the price was aming when I bought it, under 200 at the time. Its definitely on the smaller side so dont expect a big chair. Quality seems god enough for price.
I love it
This item was correct. I placed this chair in my daughters nursery and its so cute and the perfect size!
Perfect chair for creating small sitting area
Works well.
One of my best buys. Color
Great purchase
Quick ship. Perfect fit for our small living room. Great purchase!
Back support could be slightly higher
This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy. Incredible value. If it were 2 inches higher in back for support, it would be perfect. Our chairs get used every day.
Works for the price
Sturdy. Chair is comfortable, but a little small. But it works for the area its in.
High Quality / Great Price
Worth it!!! Love these chairs in my bedroom / perfect size, great quality, fantastic price.
Comfortable and durable for the price
Simple and easy to put together. I am 54, and like be these chairs. For me they are super comfortable and just the right size. They feel very sturdy and like chairs that cost a whole lot more than these did. I like that the slip cover has Velcro place in the inside to hold it in place, and so does the seat cushion. My 6ft + husband and son arent fond of these chairs and say their back hurts if the sit in them too long.
Good for price
Ok. Wish the back was higher but overall its a good chair for the price.
Great Chair For Price and For Small Spaces
Space saver. This chair is perfect if you need a in a small space. I like the linen type and the price was aming when I bought it, under 200 at the time. Its definitely on the smaller side so dont expect a big chair. Quality seems god enough for price.
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