Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. My money was well spent! It was so easy to set up, it only took me 5/10 minutes. My sister couldnt believe it either since it took her 5 hours to set up her bed from Ikea.
This bed is very low to the ground. I get sick if Im to close to the ground and am looking to return it again. I definitely am I bit disappointed because I love the way the design looks! It was very easy to assemble and it is very sturdy and I loved it at first. Then I got sick and now I kinda wish I never got rid of my other bed. Definitely do your research before buying. Sturdy for light items.
Good deal and was easy to put together. Perfect. Great for the price! High quality. Good height. Easy to assemble. Only thing that is annoying is you cant vacuum under bed because obviously the frame around the bottom.
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. This bed frame will do what its meant to / support the mattress. The frame is very stable. It was packaged well and unpackaged easily. It went together just fine. The directions were all follow the pictures type directions and were a bit like putting a puzzle together / everything was numbered well and all holes lined up for the bolts so that is a plus. Happy with my purchase.
Amazing! Bought the 6. Highly recommend. Extremely well/engineered. Easy assembly. Soooo sturdy. Exactly what youre looking for if shopping for a low profile, clean base. Works perfectly with a quality internet purchased mattress, no box/spring needed.
cute. I like that its not too high off the ground but high enough to where my feet still touch the floor when I sit up. Im fairly short so thats a plus, usually my feet are dangling off a feet inches. Its also nice that my bed is no longer on floor so extra plus. Very easy to put together. One person could easily assemble on own. The box is heavy was my only complaint, but Im tiny and have next to no muscles so yeah. But 5 stars overall ?
AWESOME!! Such an aming product! It only took minutes to assemble, and its so easy to maneuver when you need to vacuum! Its also very light to carry if youre ever moving. This is also a very sturdy product. Me and my fiance sleep comfortably on it every night with no issue.
Good value
Would definitely buy again. Very easy to put together and looks great
Sturdy bed frame.
thanks. It came late and isnt as tall as I would like but otherwise it was a good investment for my teenage boy.
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy. My money was well spent! It was so easy to set up, it only took me 5/10 minutes. My sister couldnt believe it either since it took her 5 hours to set up her bed from Ikea.
Definitely read this before buying!
This bed is very low to the ground. I get sick if Im to close to the ground and am looking to return it again. I definitely am I bit disappointed because I love the way the design looks! It was very easy to assemble and it is very sturdy and I loved it at first. Then I got sick and now I kinda wish I never got rid of my other bed. Definitely do your research before buying. Sturdy for light items.
Good deal and was easy to put together. Perfect. Great for the price! High quality. Good height. Easy to assemble. Only thing that is annoying is you cant vacuum under bed because obviously the frame around the bottom.
Sturdy and Stable
I love it space saver I am back to buy another one. This bed frame will do what its meant to / support the mattress. The frame is very stable. It was packaged well and unpackaged easily. It went together just fine. The directions were all follow the pictures type directions and were a bit like putting a puzzle together / everything was numbered well and all holes lined up for the bolts so that is a plus. Happy with my purchase.
Sturdy, pointy.
Wow!! This was a great buy!! A nice solid frame, but watch those corners!
Buy confidently
Amazing! Bought the 6. Highly recommend. Extremely well/engineered. Easy assembly. Soooo sturdy. Exactly what youre looking for if shopping for a low profile, clean base. Works perfectly with a quality internet purchased mattress, no box/spring needed.
Sturdy and affordable
cute. I like that its not too high off the ground but high enough to where my feet still touch the floor when I sit up. Im fairly short so thats a plus, usually my feet are dangling off a feet inches. Its also nice that my bed is no longer on floor so extra plus. Very easy to put together. One person could easily assemble on own. The box is heavy was my only complaint, but Im tiny and have next to no muscles so yeah. But 5 stars overall ?
AWESOME!! Such an aming product! It only took minutes to assemble, and its so easy to maneuver when you need to vacuum! Its also very light to carry if youre ever moving. This is also a very sturdy product. Me and my fiance sleep comfortably on it every night with no issue.
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