I love them they are sold and fairly sturdy. But The assembly was not as Easy as some have stated. You cant use your electric drill on all of the bits. Make sure you put it on a table so you can move it around and it took me over an hour. Also most all of the pieces were not numbered like they were numbered in the directions! See you really have to look at the photos to make sure youre getting it correct. Other than that I love them and they are perfect for my new bed Room to display my items for my vacations
Assembly was easy before buying make sure you have a cross screwdriver its needed but not included, assembly was relatively easy the only thing was the last top diagonal piece splint/cracked at the last second nothing major but noticeable.
Worth it for the value
I love them they are sold and fairly sturdy. But The assembly was not as Easy as some have stated. You cant use your electric drill on all of the bits. Make sure you put it on a table so you can move it around and it took me over an hour. Also most all of the pieces were not numbered like they were numbered in the directions! See you really have to look at the photos to make sure youre getting it correct. Other than that I love them and they are perfect for my new bed Room to display my items for my vacations
These are perfect!
These were perfect for what I was looking for. They are very sturdy look aming. Ive gotten so many complaints on how great they look.
Im done
The wood is weak split when the s rows were put in
Works perfect for me
Perfect for a smaller corner or space.
Good value
Sturdy and decent quality but for the price, it was perfect! The shelves are a little bit slippery too so be careful what you plan to out on them.
What a find!
Just what I was looking for. These shelves are very sturdy. The color is beautiful. A very nice addition to my room.
Splits and Cracks
Assembly was easy before buying make sure you have a cross screwdriver its needed but not included, assembly was relatively easy the only thing was the last top diagonal piece splint/cracked at the last second nothing major but noticeable.
Great shelf
Cute shelving unit Very pleased
Beautiful stand for the money.
Wonderful stand. Looks so good.
Love it
It fit perfectly in the spot we needed it to. Looks great! Would recommend.
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