The instructions dont tell you where part S goes. Before you put the top on, when youre sliding the two thin pieces for the back (part F), part S holds both thin pieces together.
And FYI, the screw for the hardware is too short for it.
Overall, its a nice side table. Easy directions.
Its not as sturdy as I would have like. this was the 3rd product i purchased from the company. i purchased the bookcase and tv console. both of these were sturdy once assembled. this one is wobbley on top.
PartS is not included in the instructions and the screw for the hardware is too short!
The instructions dont tell you where part S goes. Before you put the top on, when youre sliding the two thin pieces for the back (part F), part S holds both thin pieces together. And FYI, the screw for the hardware is too short for it. Overall, its a nice side table. Easy directions.
Value for money
We used this product as a night table. Its great quality. Very study. Im impressed! Excellent product!
Great cheap option. Functional and attractive
Not as sturdy as it could be, but more than functional for the job. Would buy again. Bought two great value for the money, durable.
Great value
Easy enough to put together, good value for the money. They were just want we needed. Very nice.
it ok
Its not as sturdy as I would have like. this was the 3rd product i purchased from the company. i purchased the bookcase and tv console. both of these were sturdy once assembled. this one is wobbley on top.
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