The instructions were easy to understand, but the drawer rail pieces were not marked. I ended up putting them in wrong and had to redo it. Also, the leg was splintered at the bottom. Overall I like the table and it will work for what I need it to do. Great product by all standards
This stand is sturdy and fits nicely in my entry way. I like that its got a bottom shelf and 2 drawers. It was pretty easy to put together but the left drawer slider we had problems with; the drawer would roll out fine but would not slide all the way back, so we had to add different holes so the left slider would work. Otherwise its a great stand and I would recommend it
Not worth the money Sturdy if you put a few small things, great for places under 4 ft wide. Have some scratched pieces and cracked pieces out of the box.
Perfect entry table
Easy to assemble. Perfect for my entryway. good product!Definitely just as described
Nice table
The instructions were easy to understand, but the drawer rail pieces were not marked. I ended up putting them in wrong and had to redo it. Also, the leg was splintered at the bottom. Overall I like the table and it will work for what I need it to do. Great product by all standards
nice but cheaply made
came with scratches, paint chips, and dents in the wood. very disappointing for the price. This purchase says, I know what Im doing.
quality product
easy to assemble. Be sure to follow directions in order. only negative is drawers do not operate smoothly. Ok. Good price.
Sturdiness and size worked perfect once assign
Wasnt as easy as Id hope to assemble but once I got it together it was what I needed for the small space. Highly recommended. Exactly what we wanted.
Nice and sturdy
This stand is sturdy and fits nicely in my entry way. I like that its got a bottom shelf and 2 drawers. It was pretty easy to put together but the left drawer slider we had problems with; the drawer would roll out fine but would not slide all the way back, so we had to add different holes so the left slider would work. Otherwise its a great stand and I would recommend it
Very cute
Not cheap but inexpensive piece of furniture. I love how it looks in my house. Its worth the cash
Putting it together as we speak. Love it already.
I love the color and style. Well made.
Great table
Directions were easy to follow and very nice table
Can serve its purpose for a small area.
Not worth the money Sturdy if you put a few small things, great for places under 4 ft wide. Have some scratched pieces and cracked pieces out of the box.
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