This is very nice when fully assembled but not as easy to assemble as some others. Also was missing a couple of bolts that we had to make a trip to the hardware store to pick up. All in all, very happy with purchase.
It takes longer than 30 minutes even with a handy person. However the money and effort are certainly worth it. I gave 3 stars sturdiness because even after assembly it squeaked a little and my 13 year old son hasnt even been on it. However again, I only expect it to last 1.5-2 years until I pay more for a bed for a 15 year old. Overall I say 3.5 and worth it. If you have a child under 13 this is perfect. Age 8-15.
Nice bed, good price. A little harder to assemble than expected. Only negative was that a spot weld on center support piece snapped off while I was assembling.
Nice looking and sturdy
This is very nice when fully assembled but not as easy to assemble as some others. Also was missing a couple of bolts that we had to make a trip to the hardware store to pick up. All in all, very happy with purchase.
Its not bad
Couple metal pieces were bent and the cable connecting the LED lights were broken. Other than that its a solid frame.
Money and effort a 3-4 star
It takes longer than 30 minutes even with a handy person. However the money and effort are certainly worth it. I gave 3 stars sturdiness because even after assembly it squeaked a little and my 13 year old son hasnt even been on it. However again, I only expect it to last 1.5-2 years until I pay more for a bed for a 15 year old. Overall I say 3.5 and worth it. If you have a child under 13 this is perfect. Age 8-15.
Very good, easy to assemble, impeccable finish and very pretty! I loved it
Good for price
This was easy to install. But!! The major and most annoying thing is how obnoxiously loud and squeaky this bed truly is. I hate how squeaky it is.
This bed is a waste of money.
I bought this bed June 08 2021 two months later it broke. I like the color but there is no quality. I would not recommend it to anyone.
Missing hole and screw
The bed is a good value for the money however it came missing a hole and screw to piece together the lower frame.
Remember to put the single central stand in the middle.
Though FedEx delayed my order but it was worth it. Ease of assembly
Great bed!
Great bed! Very sturdy! My sons loves it. Its blue as his favorite color!
Pleased with the bed frame
Nice bed, good price. A little harder to assemble than expected. Only negative was that a spot weld on center support piece snapped off while I was assembling.
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