Easy to fix. I needed this in a pinch and it was a good choice. The young lady who stayed over my house is a big girl and the bed was comfortable and sturdy for her, no wobbling. The assembly instructions were clear and easy to follow. Now the parts didnt always fit exactly as they should and I couldnt get some screws to go in, but my husband was able to get it to work.
Instructions are unclear and skip some steps. I wouldnt recommend this to someone who needs an instruction manual to put together; its okay for someone who can assemble without instructions altogether. 3 out of 4 corner parts did not fit properly; we had to hammer them into place. Otherwise, frame is tall and spacious. Not as easy as people say.
Love it
Go for it! Love it
Very handy
Enough strength. Awesome
Best value for my money for a twin frame
Easy to fix. I needed this in a pinch and it was a good choice. The young lady who stayed over my house is a big girl and the bed was comfortable and sturdy for her, no wobbling. The assembly instructions were clear and easy to follow. Now the parts didnt always fit exactly as they should and I couldnt get some screws to go in, but my husband was able to get it to work.
bed frame
Very good. For my son He love it
Hard to assemble
Updated reviewLove the bed, just the correct size I needed, very hard for two old people to put together! But we did it and it works for the room!
Love the height
Very niceThis bed assembled well with 2 people. We used a mallet to make it even easier. I love the height. Easy to clean under with a vacuum.
Very nice
All good. Love love love it
Great for small rooms that need storage space
Great for small spaces. There nothing to dislike about this bed frame highly recommend
This bed is aming
Love these. The bed is so awesome my daughter loved it, and so did I its so compact and the storage underneath is great
Poor instructions; corner pieces did not fit
Instructions are unclear and skip some steps. I wouldnt recommend this to someone who needs an instruction manual to put together; its okay for someone who can assemble without instructions altogether. 3 out of 4 corner parts did not fit properly; we had to hammer them into place. Otherwise, frame is tall and spacious. Not as easy as people say.
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