It took a while but I finally received this purchase this morning. I am really happy with the product. I had given a lower rating cause I didn’t get it yet and initiated a refund but now I don’t want the refund because I am keeping this. I hope it can be worked out.
The assembly was easy but there was a piece of metal where the leg is screwed onto the base. I contacted the seller and they immediately replied that a replacement would be sent. The replacement arrived in just a few days. I am enjoying using my mini trampoline. It is much more durable than what I had bought years ago. This will give me years of use, I am sure.
I highly recommend this product. It is well constructed - the springs are heavier metal and the base is also heavy but I can lift and move it easily.
Changing my rating.
It took a while but I finally received this purchase this morning. I am really happy with the product. I had given a lower rating cause I didn’t get it yet and initiated a refund but now I don’t want the refund because I am keeping this. I hope it can be worked out.
It is great exercise.
I really like the rail. And it isn’t hard on my knees.
Is it sturdy
The assembly was easy but there was a piece of metal where the leg is screwed onto the base. I contacted the seller and they immediately replied that a replacement would be sent. The replacement arrived in just a few days. I am enjoying using my mini trampoline. It is much more durable than what I had bought years ago. This will give me years of use, I am sure. I highly recommend this product. It is well constructed - the springs are heavier metal and the base is also heavy but I can lift and move it easily.
Love it!
Perfect adjustable handle for 2 year old to use! Great for Mom to workout on!
Wife and kids love it!
I need to set it someplace, bc its behind the sofa (open floor plan) and the kids bounce while Im trying to hear the tv... LOL
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