Our boys love it! It is super sturdy! Easy to move from one location to another if needed. Our almost 4 year old and 19-month-old jump on it together and do great!
Fairly easy to put together, use some common sense and count the connections before you start to get an even pull. Wear leather gloves to avoid getting pinched while pulling springs.
We have had this trampoline for about a month now. I was able to put it all together by myself. The instructions were a little vague at times and I had to go on YouTube to see how other trampolines were constructed just to iron out a few things that werent well explained in the booklet. So far, my only complaint is that the elastic straps that hold up the net do stretch out and come loose so we may need to do something about that in the future, but for now, the kids love it and jump on it everyday!
Bought as gift, granddaughter loves it. Parents said it wasnt too difficult to put together. Only problem it the cording that secures the net to bottom of frame started to unravel. We need to replace rope.
Children have no problem with zipper. This keeps kids from falling out.
Parents said it arrived at a perfect time (new baby in home) to keep her busy.. jumping or playing with stuffed animals in it. They keep it outside under shade cover.
It was a little cumbersome to install
But more importantly the fabric is tearing up and the foam is coming loose. Our daughter is only 26lbs. Its not usable after occasional use over 5-6 months.
Extremely disappointed
This trampoline lasted about a year I got it for my son when he was about three years old and a half and when he figured out that if he pulled on the poles they would actually give he subsequently ripped two of them out of the circular frame that goes around the jump area.
Update: One of the poles broke all the way off.
The boys are 3 and 6 yrs old. There is enough room for both of them to jump freely. My brother assembled it in the house. It doesnt take up too much space.
Bought it for my toddler to keep occupied and practice for gymnastics and she loves it. Feels safer with the net and zip up. Will recommend. Customer service is great too.
Awesome sturdy little trampoline! Perfect for toddlers!
Our boys love it! It is super sturdy! Easy to move from one location to another if needed. Our almost 4 year old and 19-month-old jump on it together and do great! Fairly easy to put together, use some common sense and count the connections before you start to get an even pull. Wear leather gloves to avoid getting pinched while pulling springs.
Very sturdy
AWSOME product!!
Awesome Trampoline!!
Super easy to assemble Very sturdy and protective Highly recommended!!
Good tramp!
We have had this trampoline for about a month now. I was able to put it all together by myself. The instructions were a little vague at times and I had to go on YouTube to see how other trampolines were constructed just to iron out a few things that werent well explained in the booklet. So far, my only complaint is that the elastic straps that hold up the net do stretch out and come loose so we may need to do something about that in the future, but for now, the kids love it and jump on it everyday!
Safe jump space
Bought as gift, granddaughter loves it. Parents said it wasnt too difficult to put together. Only problem it the cording that secures the net to bottom of frame started to unravel. We need to replace rope. Children have no problem with zipper. This keeps kids from falling out. Parents said it arrived at a perfect time (new baby in home) to keep her busy.. jumping or playing with stuffed animals in it. They keep it outside under shade cover.
Didnt last even months its tearing apart dont buy
It was a little cumbersome to install But more importantly the fabric is tearing up and the foam is coming loose. Our daughter is only 26lbs. Its not usable after occasional use over 5-6 months. Extremely disappointed
This is nice for our almost 3 year old, he loves it. The only problem is the door is to small and it was missing one of the spring ties.
Not for strong kids
This trampoline lasted about a year I got it for my son when he was about three years old and a half and when he figured out that if he pulled on the poles they would actually give he subsequently ripped two of them out of the circular frame that goes around the jump area.
It broke!
Update: One of the poles broke all the way off. The boys are 3 and 6 yrs old. There is enough room for both of them to jump freely. My brother assembled it in the house. It doesnt take up too much space.
Love this trampoline
Bought it for my toddler to keep occupied and practice for gymnastics and she loves it. Feels safer with the net and zip up. Will recommend. Customer service is great too.
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