Just fine. The product is sturdy and the color is beautiful! The only thing that I can complain about is how the product was shipped. We got the first two boxes and started to assemble but had to stop because we actually needed a third box, with the rest of the pieces. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow. The company did respond quickly via email with an explanation for the missing parts.
It actually exceeded my expectations.quality was great, assembly was easy, very strong and sturdy.
Overall.my son loves it and my husband says it was easy to put together.a nice little project he called it
Definitely a great buy
Its a gorgeous piece of furniture and very sturdy. My 3 year old daughter loves it and no longer gives me a hard time when i put her to bed. I added an additional rail guard for extra piece of mind.
The instructions are fine, but the stairs were tedious to assemble as the key provided kept getting stuck, so it took a long time to put together, but was worth it in the end.
we ordered 2 of them. After getting the first one built the second one was a lot easier and faster to build overall it took about 2 hours to build definitely recommend
Love it for the most part for the price. The best bed my son has had, and for this price, aming. There is one piece by the stairwell thats a little lose over time, but its still pretty good. Good drawer / storage space. I dont like that the wood splats move under the mattress, but as long as the kid isnt hard in the material, it shouldnt be a problem. It does take a while to put together better with two people, but over all great product !
Good one. Love this bed! I ordered two and was able to easily put together both, by myself, in 4.5 hours! They are sturdy and although it does not come with shelves for storage, there is ample room underneath for play or to add your own storage unit. My girls are happy and the height Is perfect.
Parts were not shipped all together
Just fine. The product is sturdy and the color is beautiful! The only thing that I can complain about is how the product was shipped. We got the first two boxes and started to assemble but had to stop because we actually needed a third box, with the rest of the pieces. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow. The company did respond quickly via email with an explanation for the missing parts.
paint smell
Three Stars. having purchased for one month, still have the paint smell
Good bed
As expected. Great bed. Hard af to put together. If you want a stressful evening try putting it together by yourself with a toddler otherwise its fine
Great purchase.great quality and easy assembly
It actually exceeded my expectations.quality was great, assembly was easy, very strong and sturdy. Overall.my son loves it and my husband says it was easy to put together.a nice little project he called it Definitely a great buy
Love it
Its a gorgeous piece of furniture and very sturdy. My 3 year old daughter loves it and no longer gives me a hard time when i put her to bed. I added an additional rail guard for extra piece of mind. The instructions are fine, but the stairs were tedious to assemble as the key provided kept getting stuck, so it took a long time to put together, but was worth it in the end.
Exactly what I was loo for
Easy to put together and holds a wild toddler and myself if I happen to fall asleep with my son!
Extra room underneath!
Definitely worth it.Boys bedroom for them to have more floor space!
Loft beds
we ordered 2 of them. After getting the first one built the second one was a lot easier and faster to build overall it took about 2 hours to build definitely recommend
Pros and Cons
Love it for the most part for the price. The best bed my son has had, and for this price, aming. There is one piece by the stairwell thats a little lose over time, but its still pretty good. Good drawer / storage space. I dont like that the wood splats move under the mattress, but as long as the kid isnt hard in the material, it shouldnt be a problem. It does take a while to put together better with two people, but over all great product !
Sturdy, easy, fun!
Good one. Love this bed! I ordered two and was able to easily put together both, by myself, in 4.5 hours! They are sturdy and although it does not come with shelves for storage, there is ample room underneath for play or to add your own storage unit. My girls are happy and the height Is perfect.
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