Love the firm cushions and the material seems very durable. The legs are pretty as well. Super easy to assemble but giving 4 stars because its on the short side for a couch. Overall good purchase
We bought this couch for a sitting room and its absolutely perfect. The height fits right at the window. Its the perfect size for a sitting room or smaller living room. Its very sturdy, so it should keep its shape for a long time. Its not super comfy, like something youd want to sleep on, but perfect for our needs in this room. Great quality and stylish as well. I definitely recommend this couch.
We purchased two sofas for the living room on the second floor of our home. There are two tight turns to be negotiated when moving large items up or down to/from that level. Most sofas and armchairs are difficult to impossible to get up the stairs. And you can forget even trying it with a large dresser or armoire. Each of the s came ingeniously packaged in a carton that was only moderately difficult to carry upstairs. It was easy enough to see how the pieces are meant to fit together. Connecting the arm pieces to the back is tricky, but having learned the tricks on the first sofa made assembly of the second sofa easier and faster.
Nice product
Value for money
Simple and very short
It looks very simple
Need a packet of screws or dimensions
Cant find packet of screws.Need a packet of screws or dimensions
Quality for a low price Thanks
Not Bad!
The legs are wobbly. Will have to use a screw/nail it to hold in place.
Wasnt able to do anything box and couch damaged during transit.. Need box to Return asap
Durable, Sturdy and Looks good
Love the firm cushions and the material seems very durable. The legs are pretty as well. Super easy to assemble but giving 4 stars because its on the short side for a couch. Overall good purchase
Perfect sitting room couch
We bought this couch for a sitting room and its absolutely perfect. The height fits right at the window. Its the perfect size for a sitting room or smaller living room. Its very sturdy, so it should keep its shape for a long time. Its not super comfy, like something youd want to sleep on, but perfect for our needs in this room. Great quality and stylish as well. I definitely recommend this couch.
Great solution for a tight staircase
We purchased two sofas for the living room on the second floor of our home. There are two tight turns to be negotiated when moving large items up or down to/from that level. Most sofas and armchairs are difficult to impossible to get up the stairs. And you can forget even trying it with a large dresser or armoire. Each of the s came ingeniously packaged in a carton that was only moderately difficult to carry upstairs. It was easy enough to see how the pieces are meant to fit together. Connecting the arm pieces to the back is tricky, but having learned the tricks on the first sofa made assembly of the second sofa easier and faster.
I like it very much thanks
I like it very much thanks
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