This is a super cute table and fits perfect in the corner of my kitchen. It is exactly what I was looking for. It is not perfectly sturdy but its nothing horrible. We will make do. Its a good table for the price. Better then I thought
As long as you assemble it correctly, it should not give you any issues. Its super easy to put together. However, I do not recommend using it for anything more than a little bar area or to have one person eating. Overall, not bad for the price. I use it to display my liquor bottles. Did not disappoint
Seats are pretty small. Someone bigger would not be able to sit on them size wise even if they could technically support. Wood style is beautiful. I like it for my smaller apartment. You wont regret it!
Easy to assemble/ took one person about 30 mins. Directions were simple and all pieces present. The table and stool height are good for an adult. They both feel like slightly high top style. Love it
It was delivered super quickly, very easy to assemble, took me less than 30 minutes from unboxing to completed. exactly what I was looking for We have no dislikes
This table is the exact size I was looking for. Its in a finished basement, so it only gets used once a week or so. I would not recommend it for everyday use, its just not sturdy enough LOVE LOVE!!
Perfect bistro table
This is a super cute table and fits perfect in the corner of my kitchen. It is exactly what I was looking for. It is not perfectly sturdy but its nothing horrible. We will make do. Its a good table for the price. Better then I thought
Good for the Price
As long as you assemble it correctly, it should not give you any issues. Its super easy to put together. However, I do not recommend using it for anything more than a little bar area or to have one person eating. Overall, not bad for the price. I use it to display my liquor bottles. Did not disappoint
Good value for price
Seats are pretty small. Someone bigger would not be able to sit on them size wise even if they could technically support. Wood style is beautiful. I like it for my smaller apartment. You wont regret it!
Perfect pub table!
Just the right size and style I needed for my space. Easy and quick to put together. The stain of the wood is perfect. Good Quality for Cost
Cute set for small space
Great value and sturdy. Pay attention to the pictures!
Great for small space
Easy to assemble/ took one person about 30 mins. Directions were simple and all pieces present. The table and stool height are good for an adult. They both feel like slightly high top style. Love it
awesome bistro set
It was delivered super quickly, very easy to assemble, took me less than 30 minutes from unboxing to completed. exactly what I was looking for We have no dislikes
Perfect for a tiny space
I ordered the 23 table and stools. It was easy to assemble and feels sturdy for its size. Great for Rustic or Industrial decor. It was packaged nicely
Really nice set
This table is the exact size I was looking for. Its in a finished basement, so it only gets used once a week or so. I would not recommend it for everyday use, its just not sturdy enough LOVE LOVE!!
It looks aming.I love EVERYTHING about it. ok value for the money
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