Pretty easy to assemble. Extra parts leftover as wellmuch better than the opposite of not having enough! We put up our baby swing instead of the hanging bar to meet the immediate needs of our family.
IT came missing all the nuts for it. We had to go to lowes and buy them. As we wanted to get it up for the holiday.
It is sturdy and very easy to assemble once we got the bolts.
I bought this swing set on prime day for 170 and I think thats fair for the quality you get. My husband and I put it together within 2 hours. All the wood pieces were in good shape but the wood is lighter than I thought. All the hardware seemed very durable. The weight limit for this swing set is only 115 which I should have read before I bought it. But it is only for my toddler and 8 year old. Will update after its been used for a bit.
All in all, this has been a great product. We actually added onto it, building a climbing wall for the kids. Not a day has gone by that they havent been in the yard playing with our new .
awsome swing
Very good swing. My kids ages 4/6 love it excellent purchase. Easy set up fast delivery
Sturdy and easy to assemble
Pretty easy to assemble. Extra parts leftover as wellmuch better than the opposite of not having enough! We put up our baby swing instead of the hanging bar to meet the immediate needs of our family.
Love it
The kids love it and it was easy to assemble.
Backyard Game Changer
Great product! Got this for my 3 year old and its made out summer so much more fun. Highly recommend this for kids 2/10.
easy to install
Make sure all parts are in package.
IT came missing all the nuts for it. We had to go to lowes and buy them. As we wanted to get it up for the holiday. It is sturdy and very easy to assemble once we got the bolts.
Good for the price
I bought this swing set on prime day for 170 and I think thats fair for the quality you get. My husband and I put it together within 2 hours. All the wood pieces were in good shape but the wood is lighter than I thought. All the hardware seemed very durable. The weight limit for this swing set is only 115 which I should have read before I bought it. But it is only for my toddler and 8 year old. Will update after its been used for a bit.
not bad
the swing is a good one for the price very hapoy with it and so is my daughter.
Great Price
Very sturdy and easy to follow directions.
Great Product
All in all, this has been a great product. We actually added onto it, building a climbing wall for the kids. Not a day has gone by that they havent been in the yard playing with our new .
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