Get it dont think about it We have this in our spare room/office. The start of putting it together was tough, but we figured out what we did wrong. Once we did that, it was a breeze. Comfortable too!
They responded to my issue very quickly. I was worried when the first 2 parts (corner and side) DID NOT want to go together. After a little hammering, the rest was straightforward and I could assemble it be myself. Its a solid, clever design.
I was about to buy the same item on Wayfair for $320+...I randomly searched and realized this is the same item selling with a different name for MUCH less. My guess is s shipping rates make them way cheaper than Wayfair.
Item is decent quality; the upholstered fake leather isnt perfectly symmetrical...but the quality is fair for the price.
Great value for the money. Seems decently sturdy but we shall see how it holds up. The hardware is organized efficiently so its harder to get things mixed up. Its more time consuming than Id hoped for. Moving at a leisure pace, it took me a few hours.. possibly even close to 4. The worst part of the tons of little plastic pieces to attach. It was worth it ultimately. Super cute daybed frame and the faux leather makes it look classy and more expensive.
Nice accent piece for room It is not huge, like many day beds so fit perfectly in our den. Im not going to say the instructions were a breeze but they were not horrible either. Easy if you have 2 people to hold things in place.
Great Trundle Daybed
I most definitely love it Perfect for what we need. Easy to assemble.
comfortable - well worth it!
Get it dont think about it We have this in our spare room/office. The start of putting it together was tough, but we figured out what we did wrong. Once we did that, it was a breeze. Comfortable too!
Tricky but solid
They responded to my issue very quickly. I was worried when the first 2 parts (corner and side) DID NOT want to go together. After a little hammering, the rest was straightforward and I could assemble it be myself. Its a solid, clever design.
Over 30% Less Than Wayfair (Same Item - Differnt Product Description)
I was about to buy the same item on Wayfair for $320+...I randomly searched and realized this is the same item selling with a different name for MUCH less. My guess is s shipping rates make them way cheaper than Wayfair. Item is decent quality; the upholstered fake leather isnt perfectly symmetrical...but the quality is fair for the price.
Great value for the money. Seems decently sturdy but we shall see how it holds up. The hardware is organized efficiently so its harder to get things mixed up. Its more time consuming than Id hoped for. Moving at a leisure pace, it took me a few hours.. possibly even close to 4. The worst part of the tons of little plastic pieces to attach. It was worth it ultimately. Super cute daybed frame and the faux leather makes it look classy and more expensive.
Just what I was looking for my pre-teens bedroom!
Easy to set up, comfy, sturdy
Easy to assemble and look amazing. Like the easy of set up, durability, look
Easy to put together
Very sturdy and comfortable
Just what we needed
The product is very comfortable Answered below
Great for an inexpensive frame
Nice accent piece for room It is not huge, like many day beds so fit perfectly in our den. Im not going to say the instructions were a breeze but they were not horrible either. Easy if you have 2 people to hold things in place.
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