Purchased two bunk beds for Air BnB. Great value easy to assemble, solid framing.
Only issue is ladders cannot be removed easily, they are bolted on. I loved it.
It was essay to assemble. I actually did it by myself with no issues. Use a power drill for faster assembly. Great space saver and sturdy for the price. My Nephew likes it,
This was relatively easy to assemble. It does take two people. It is sturdy, though it wiggles a little, which seems scary at first. It gave a rather small room so much usable space and looks aming. He loves it.
Bunk bed
Love it!! Attractive and strong.
Great value
Purchased two bunk beds for Air BnB. Great value easy to assemble, solid framing. Only issue is ladders cannot be removed easily, they are bolted on. I loved it.
Not bad for the price!
It was essay to assemble. I actually did it by myself with no issues. Use a power drill for faster assembly. Great space saver and sturdy for the price. My Nephew likes it,
easy to assemble
Directions were easy to follow. My son loves it!
Tiny bit banged up
Was a tiny bit banged up on the desk Good Product.
Great bed for the price
We needed this for a small spare room. It is a great bed for the price. Easy to put together and pieces were packaged great. Perfect.
Love it
Absolutely love it. Very sturdy, and overall very easy to assemble. We love it and so do the kids. Easy set up.
Great Study and cheap
Easy to put together it is very sturdy not made with cheap materials I got a bang for my bucks Cute.
Great way to maximize space while looking stylish
This was relatively easy to assemble. It does take two people. It is sturdy, though it wiggles a little, which seems scary at first. It gave a rather small room so much usable space and looks aming. He loves it.
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