Great product, great service It took about 3-4 hours to put together, the instructions didnt have any words but if you take your time you can easily assemble following the pictures. You definitely need a second pair of hands to help but overall I love them and so do my daughters! It was such a great buy!
Love these stylish and sturdy products! Bought these for when the grandbabies come to visit. Didnt take long at all to put together but had to use longer screws.
The only drawback is that this is made of soft wood. It dents easily. But it very sturdy.
Beautiful, sturdy modern design Im good at putting things together, including these furniture in a box. This was one of the hardest and frustrating to assemble.
I assembled this by myself in about 3 hours. It is very sturdy. Finally Im not afraid to climb up and read stories on the top bunk. The kids love the ladder compared to the previous metal one which hurt their feet. I also love that its not too high. Feels safe and sturdy.
3 month update: I still love this bed for my kids. Its just as sturdy now as the day I assembled it.
Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble! I got this bunk bed for my girls. Its a very nice bed. The only complaint that I have is the instructions. It would be better if they put words with the picture instructions. I put the bed together myself. It took me about 1 hour and 1/2.
Beautiful Addition to My Home Box came a bit damages but everything looked fine. It came in one box and was SUPER heavy. I was able to assemble it by myself with a little help from my 4 year old in about an hour and a half. Seems pretty sturdy. Love how low it is, my 4 year old is not afraid to be on the top bunk like other normal bunk beds. And it works great with our high pitched but low ceiling.
Little tricky to put together I love the height of this bed! It is 50 tall, which is perfect for my 3 and 5 year olds! I put this bunk bed together by myself. It took me about an hour and a half, maybe a little less. The directions were simple and easy to understand. I laid out all of the pieces, that made it easy, I recommend doing that. The bed is sturdy and good quality.
Great product!
Great product, great service It took about 3-4 hours to put together, the instructions didnt have any words but if you take your time you can easily assemble following the pictures. You definitely need a second pair of hands to help but overall I love them and so do my daughters! It was such a great buy!
Perfect for little ones
Love these stylish and sturdy products! Bought these for when the grandbabies come to visit. Didnt take long at all to put together but had to use longer screws. The only drawback is that this is made of soft wood. It dents easily. But it very sturdy.
Terrible frustrating assembly project
Beautiful, sturdy modern design Im good at putting things together, including these furniture in a box. This was one of the hardest and frustrating to assemble.
Safe and sturdy
I assembled this by myself in about 3 hours. It is very sturdy. Finally Im not afraid to climb up and read stories on the top bunk. The kids love the ladder compared to the previous metal one which hurt their feet. I also love that its not too high. Feels safe and sturdy. 3 month update: I still love this bed for my kids. Its just as sturdy now as the day I assembled it.
The instructions are not the best! But very nice bed.
Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble! I got this bunk bed for my girls. Its a very nice bed. The only complaint that I have is the instructions. It would be better if they put words with the picture instructions. I put the bed together myself. It took me about 1 hour and 1/2.
My 4 year old loves it!
Beautiful Addition to My Home Box came a bit damages but everything looked fine. It came in one box and was SUPER heavy. I was able to assemble it by myself with a little help from my 4 year old in about an hour and a half. Seems pretty sturdy. Love how low it is, my 4 year old is not afraid to be on the top bunk like other normal bunk beds. And it works great with our high pitched but low ceiling.
Surpassed my expectations
Very comfortable, glad I purchased for my bedroom. Amazing quality and ease of assembly.
Great bed for younger children!!
Little tricky to put together I love the height of this bed! It is 50 tall, which is perfect for my 3 and 5 year olds! I put this bunk bed together by myself. It took me about an hour and a half, maybe a little less. The directions were simple and easy to understand. I laid out all of the pieces, that made it easy, I recommend doing that. The bed is sturdy and good quality.
Great buy
Perfect for what we needed A great quality bunk bed. Its study and high quality.
Good quality, easy and cheap
Pretty and inexpensive I was actually surprised by the quality of this for its price.
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