Pretty and inexpensive Dont be discouraged with all of the parts. The instructions are very spot on, and it went smoothly. It took my husband and I about 2.5 hours to completely put together. My toddler loves it, and so does her friends. It looks like in future it would be pretty easy to scratch, but we havent had any issues. Definitely assemble it in the room you intend on keeping it. It is massive!
Nice mid century look Great bed for my 3 year old and 18 month old. My husband put it together pretty quickly. Very sturdy. I like how low it is and that the bottom bed is on the floor so I dont have to worry about my youngest falling off. My boys are loving it.
Great buy for the cost! Perfect! We have a 4 year old and 2 year old this bed is perfect so our youngest is lower to the ground. Great to teach the top as well.
Perfect for smaller children!
Perfect for what we needed My 5 and 6 year old love it! Its the perfect size for them.
Kid friendly
Pretty and inexpensive Dont be discouraged with all of the parts. The instructions are very spot on, and it went smoothly. It took my husband and I about 2.5 hours to completely put together. My toddler loves it, and so does her friends. It looks like in future it would be pretty easy to scratch, but we havent had any issues. Definitely assemble it in the room you intend on keeping it. It is massive!
Great bed
Nice mid century look Great bed for my 3 year old and 18 month old. My husband put it together pretty quickly. Very sturdy. I like how low it is and that the bottom bed is on the floor so I dont have to worry about my youngest falling off. My boys are loving it.
Great for the money My daughters love this bed! Perfect size for 2 four year olds super easy to assemble!
Awesome toddler bed
Great buy for the cost! Perfect! We have a 4 year old and 2 year old this bed is perfect so our youngest is lower to the ground. Great to teach the top as well.
Very good
This was even better than I expected for an online purchase Excellent
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