Affordable, comfortable looks good and easy to assemble These beds look really good when fully assembled. Definitely a two man job and takes a while to build.
exactly as described and more It was easy to assemble, I did it by myself. Its very sturdy the price was a little high. But I liked the way it looked so I got it. My kids love it and thats all that matters.
Quality for a low price This bed is easy to assemble (just make sure you separate all the pieces beforehand). It took me three hours to assemble the twin beds by myself so it would have probably taken me another hour to bunk them. The beds arent as sturdy as is hoped but my kids are 4 and 1 so they wont do too much damage to the beds. Overall the price is excellent for the quality and my kids love their beds.
good product!Definitely just as described Loved the bed the moment I saw it. It was a pain in the behind for me to assemble. Just waaayyy to many pieces but... once it was done..... I loved it again. The bed is sturdy and just all around awesome. My 2 year old is on the bottom bunk and my 4 year old in the top. They love it! Minus putting it together Id but it all over again.
Great Price and Easy to Assemble Every piece was there, but some parts were mislabeled which made trouble when building it (took longer to figure out which pieces they actually were than it should have). Some pieces are a little tough to piece together, but with a little umph and a helping hand they are snug and sturdy.
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It took quite a bit of time to put together. The stickers on it are a pain to get off. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty good and pretty sturdy bed.
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
Great looking beds
Affordable, comfortable looks good and easy to assemble These beds look really good when fully assembled. Definitely a two man job and takes a while to build.
Easy to assemble.
exactly as described and more It was easy to assemble, I did it by myself. Its very sturdy the price was a little high. But I liked the way it looked so I got it. My kids love it and thats all that matters.
Good for the price and looks nice Pretty sturdy, I climb on top to put my toddler to bed and it holds me OK! The kiddos love it
Great beds, could be more sturdy
Quality for a low price This bed is easy to assemble (just make sure you separate all the pieces beforehand). It took me three hours to assemble the twin beds by myself so it would have probably taken me another hour to bunk them. The beds arent as sturdy as is hoped but my kids are 4 and 1 so they wont do too much damage to the beds. Overall the price is excellent for the quality and my kids love their beds.
I would buy it again... if I had too
good product!Definitely just as described Loved the bed the moment I saw it. It was a pain in the behind for me to assemble. Just waaayyy to many pieces but... once it was done..... I loved it again. The bed is sturdy and just all around awesome. My 2 year old is on the bottom bunk and my 4 year old in the top. They love it! Minus putting it together Id but it all over again.
very pleased
Great product by all standards We were very pleased with this product. very sturdy. packaged nicely. received on time!
Good quality for price but Mislabeled parts
Great Price and Easy to Assemble Every piece was there, but some parts were mislabeled which made trouble when building it (took longer to figure out which pieces they actually were than it should have). Some pieces are a little tough to piece together, but with a little umph and a helping hand they are snug and sturdy.
Nice quality
Perfect for small spaces. My kids love this its super sturdy and beautiful
takes awhile to put together
Sturdy looks the same as in photos great price It took quite a bit of time to put together. The stickers on it are a pain to get off. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty good and pretty sturdy bed.
Nice beds, good quality, good style
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Got these for my spare bedroom, I love it. I like how you can separate the bunk and also convert it back. Construction was easy but took a while. The instructions were wrong and left out some steps putting the slats correctly together on the head board. But honestly, it was totally worth the price!!!
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